Friday, June 17, 2022

On Karma

Karma is comforting. Gives us hope for justice. But is it a real thing? Maybe. Or there is no karma and these are coincidences. there are so many instances of people doing really shitty things and not being badly affected. i think a better way for us to navigate the world is to have our own moral compass. with loftier goals then oooh if i dont do that, then some super power like gravity will just magically appear and pull me down. yes it did not pull down X and Y even though they did worse things than i plan to; but hey that must be cause they were some saint in their past life? come on and the flip side, yes i did bad things a,b and c but i also did great things d thru z so nothing bad should happen to me. i think teaching morals and values is better than guilt and fear of the unknown and unproven except for some examples